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Our Vision + Mission
"Write the vision, And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.
Habakkuk 2:2-3
To reach, rescue and restore women and their children to normal lives who have been affected by the adverse conditions of life that include: sexual exploitation, human slavery, sexual abuse, poverty, domestic violence, homelessness, and interaction with the criminal justice system through education and unconditional love.
Birthed in 2012, Restored Hope Ministries is a 501c3 organization founded for the purpose of rescuing women trapped in sexual exploitation, sex abuse, and domestic violence. We serve women and their children from ages 17 to 45 years old by providing food, clothing, and shelter for 18-24 months depending on how they adjust and go through the healing process.
Phase 1:
Dedicated to healing the hurt that is directly related to their abuse and exploitation. During this period the women participate in Celebrate Recovery classes twice a week, one on one counseling with Licensed Counselors, group counseling, mentorship program, bible studies, parenting classes, budgeting and financial classes, computer training that encompasses the entire Microsoft Office Package, exercise and dance classes, GED program, art therapy and love without anything in return. We also provide dental and medical treatment for our residents.
Phase 2:
Focus on job search programs, which include bus passes for their transportation while searching for employment. First, we make sure they have all their pertinent information such as driver’s license, birth certificate, and picture ID. We help them prepare their resume and role play job interviews and certain situations that may arise because of criminal records or their past. Job placement and career paths are determined and documented before they are allowed to go search for a job.
Phase 3:
One year at a time continued mentoring, budget partners, and Bible studies with their children and other continued education.
After They Secure a Job :
We open bank accounts in their names and set up direct deposit for their pay. All debit cards are secured and stored in their belongings until they are ready to leave. Then we help in the apartment search, deposits and the furnishing of the apartment.
All this is done at no charge to the women and they are with us the rest of their lives or until they choose to end the relationship by relapsing.